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Enjoy this amazing overview video about the Universe we live in! Then review, reflect & contemplate on the below mind-blowing facts about the universe, the human body, the animal kingdom, and much more that support the possibility of a Creator and a God. Finally, toward the end below you can then review summary presentations about all these facts and associated logic as well as review Lee Strobel's incredible interview about his recent book "Is God Real".
Selected Facts About Human Body Functions:
See National Geographic Human Body Video HERE.
Selected Human Body Functions
Scientists estimate there are approximately 8.7 million animal species on the earth (see ), all unique in their design, and a total of over 10 billion billion individual animals. Creatures range from all different types and sizes and characteristics, such as tiny ants, birds, insects, dogs, cats, tigers, giraffes, massive elephants, hippopotamuses, pigs, rabbits, monkeys, whales, fish, dolphins, and many, many more. All of these creatures have incredibly sophisticated designs, bodies, and biological systems. Amazingly, Scientists also estimate that 86% of existing species on Earth and 91% of species in the ocean still await discovery and description. To experience just a small sampling of this amazing creation and complexity simply visit your local zoo and/or aquarium.
The following are just a few examples of some of the incredible mind-blowing capabilities of some of these animals that raise the question- where did they all come from and how did this happen?
For further detail about the animal kingdom please see and
Additionally, please see the following Amazing Animal series video by Calvin Smith which documents how the intricacies and sophisticated design of various animal species clearly point to the presence of a Creator and Designer: You CANNOT Deny God’s Existence Once You See This - YouTube.
TREES & PLANTS: There are an incredible number of varied and sophisticated trees and plants on the earth. For example, estimates suggest the following:
In order for life to exist on Earth, numerous factors in the universe must be incredibly exact. Explore this video and the below information which highlights many of these amazing facts and raises the key question - HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? IS THERE A CREATOR GOD? Please explore with an open heart and an open mind!
Selected Key Universe Statistics:
See Universe Video HERE.
7. Everything in the universe is fine-tuned to support life on earth. Galaxies are moving away from the Earth ( See ) at a phenomenal speed of 100 million miles per hour as the result of the original Big Bang creation. This is precisely the rate necessary to enable the formation of galaxies. If it expands too slowly, it will collapse into a big lump. If it works too fast the matter would disperse. If our moon were larger or we had multiple moons, its gravitational pull would cause tidal waves and severe climate instabilities. If the earth was closer to the sun it would be too hot to survive. There is just enough oxygen on Earth (21 percent of the atmosphere) for creatures to breathe. If it were lower humans would suffocate, if it were higher, fires would erupt spontaneously. The size of Juniper is large enough to attract asteroids that would otherwise hit the Earth. If there were more or less water vapor in our atmosphere it would be too hot or too cold to survive on earth.
The following are just a few additional examples of this incredible fine-tuning of the universe and Humans to support life on Earth from Lee Strobel's recent book "Is God Real"?
· MATTER VOLUME IN THE UNIVERSE: Virtually every scientist agrees the universe is finely tuned. The question is, how did it get this way? There are numerous detailed examples of this incredible fine-tuning of life on Earth. One example is the amount of matter in the universe. If there was too much, the earth would collapse. If there was too little, the stars and planets would never coalesce. Specifically, as noted by Dr. Michael Strauss, shortly after the big bang, the amount of matter in the universe was precisely tuned to one part in a trillion, trillion trillion trillion trillion. How could this happen?
· ATOM NUCLEAR FORCE: Another example of the incredible fine-tuning of the earth to support life is the strength of nuclear force. Per Dr. Michael Strauss “This is what holds together the nucleus of atoms. “Ultimately, it’s the strength of this force that produces the periodic table of elements. If you were to make it just 2 percent stronger while all the other constants stayed the same, you’d add a lot more elements to the periodic table, but they would be radioactive and life-destroying. Plus, you’d have very little hydrogen in the universe—and no hydrogen, no water, no life. Decrease the force by a mere 5 percent, and all you’d have would be hydrogen. Again, a dead universe.” Did this happen by chance?
· ELECTROMAGNETIC & GRAVITATIONAL FORCE: Another example of the incredible fine-tuning of the earth to support life is that the ratio of the electromagnetic force to the gravitational force is fine-tuned to one part in ten thousand trillion trillion trillion. Oxford mathematical physicist Roger Penrose's calculations show that to start the universe so it would have the required state of low entropy, the setting would need to be accurate to a precision of one part in ten to the power 10 125 power. Even if you were able to put a zero on every particle in the universe, there would not even be enough particles to do the job. Wow – how did this precise force happen?
· EARTHS SITUATIONAL POSITION: Another example of the incredible fine-tuning of the earth to support life is that our planet is also remarkably and fortuitously situated so life would be possible. Per Dr. Michael Strauss: “To have a planet like ours where life exists, first you need to be in the right kind of galaxy. You need to be in a spiral galaxy like we are because it’s the only kind that produces the right heavy elements and has the right radiation levels. But you can’t live just anywhere in the galaxy. If you’re too close to the center, there’s too much radiation and there’s also a black hole, which you want to avoid. If you’re too far from the center, you won’t have the right heavy element. You’d lack the oxygen and carbon you’d need.” Again, how did this precision happen?
· NUMEROUS PHYSICAL FACTORS MUST BE JUST RIGHT: Per Dr. Michael Strauss: “There are so many parameters that have to be just right for our planet to support life on earth. The distance from the sun, the rotation rate, the amount of water, the tilt, and the right size so gravity lets gases like methane escape but allows oxygen to stay. You need a moon like ours—it’s very rare to have just one large moon—in order to stabilize the Earth’s tilt.” How many conditions have to be met to create an Earthlike planet? Hugh Ross sets the number at 322. He says: “So if you run probability calculations, you find that there’s a 10 304 chance you’re going to find another planet that’s truly like Earth. The odds of having any higher life-supporting planet would be one in many millions of trillions. This is truly amazing!
· AMAZING HUMAN DNA: Human DNA contains more organized information than the Encyclopedia Britannica! As scientists have studied the six feet of DNA tightly coiled inside every one of our bodies’ one hundred trillion cells, they have marveled at how it provides the genetic information necessary to create all the proteins out of which our bodies are built. In fact, each one of the thirty thousand genes that are embedded in our twenty-three pairs of chromosomes can yield as many as 20,500 different kinds of proteins, carefully spelled out in a four-letter chemical alphabet, vastly exceeds that of any other known system,” said geneticist Michael Denton. “This new realm of molecular genetics is where we see the most compelling evidence of design on the Earth,” said once-skeptical biology professor Dean Kenyon. Wow!
· DNA CAPABILITY: Geneticist Francis Collins says, “DNA is more like a library. The organism accesses the information it needs from DNA so it can build some of its critical components. In DNA, there are long lines of A, C, G, and Ts that are precisely arranged in order to create protein structure and folding. To build one protein, you typically need 1,200 to 2,000 letters or bases—which is a lot of information. And this raises the question again of the origin of that information. If you can’t explain where the information comes from, you haven’t explained life, because it’s the information that makes the molecules into something that actually functions. I believe the presence of information in the cell is best explained by the activity of an intelligent agent.”
You can also listen to a 40-minute interview with Lee as he describes his book "Is God Real" and many of these incredible facts at or below in the philosophical section of this page.
8. Big Bang Theory: The majority of astrophysicists and cosmologists today believe the Big Bang represents the beginning of the universe some 13-15 billion years ago. It was a massive cosmic explosion that exploded the universe into existence from a tiny dot size. Something had to cause this big bang.
9. In 2022, the first pictures from the James Webb Space Telescope, an ambitious scientific endeavor that explores the universe in more detail than previously possible, further demonstrate the incredible magnitude and grandeur of our world. The first images and spectroscopic data from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have revealed unprecedented and detailed views of the universe. For example, there are thousands of galaxies in the photo to the right on this page. The red galaxies are the most distant. This amazing display further demonstrates that the universe had to be the work of a God designer and creator. See many more incredible pictures on the following link, all of which scream of God’s presence. .
The Theory of Evolution, originally presented by Charles Darwin, essentially states that all forms of life are constructed from the same basic elements and that humans are the result of a long series of evolutionary changes. Thus, humans were not created by God, they simply evolved from other life forms over a very long period of time. If this is true, does it prove that God does not exist? There is a lot of debate about this topic by many evolutionists and many creationists.
We now explore a variety of facts and logic about this most important topic. We begin by suggesting you review all the above amazing facts and statistics on this website about Humans, the Animal kingdom, and the Universe. Then proceed to review the following high-level observations and logic. Note this is not intended to be a detailed scientific analysis but rather is intended to provide a perspective on the issues - allowing the reader to draw their own conclusions. Some great references are then provided for further, more detailed analysis if desired.
When reflecting on all the amazing facts and statistics on this website, one questions whether human life and our world could truly be the result of an arbitrary and random process of Evolution. The following provides some more specific logic and questions to ponder and consider:
1. While there is no question individual life forms evolve by natural processes over time and one should not question the related science, there is no clear scientific evidence that one life form (ie. a dog, cat, bird, etc.) can actually evolve into another materially different life form (ie. monkey, donkey, tiger, etc.). All the specific scientific evidence generally cited refers to microevolution within one species, even though some of the evolutionary changes within a species can be quite significant. Also, it’s hard to buy the argument that it’s just a matter of time for this type of species-to-species macroevolution evolution to occur. This just does not seem like a logical or realistic possibility.
2. Aside from the scientific debate, does it really make sense that initial very simple life forms or basic cells evolved into over 8 million different animal species - with materially different characteristics, mind-blowing capabilities, totally different physical sizes, and appearances, etc. - described above on this web site? Can we really believe that all these dramatically different creatures in the world – worms, bunnies, dogs, cats, giraffes, elephants, tigers, lions, hippopotamuses, cows, snakes, birds, monkeys, whales, seals, and on and on – evolved completely randomly? For example, can you really believe a dog could have evolved into an elephant or a bird could have evolved into a lion? Or that any of these creatures could have evolved into a Human Being?
All of these amazing facts scream out the following key question: Where did all these creatures and mind-blowing capabilities come from? Could this possibly be the result of a random process of evolution, or do they point to a creator who designed everything to function as it does? If you believe this is the result of natural evolution, which certainly does occur on a microevolution basis within species, where did the first life forms come from? Could microevolution and all the above incredible capabilities be the result of God's design and plan?
Can you really believe macroevolution, creating one species (or even Humans) randomly from an entirely different species, is really logical or possible? Or does it make much more sense that all of the incredible above facts are the result of a creator God? Also again, in any case, where did the very first life forms come from?
3. Can we believe that the Human body - with billions of nerve cells, thousands of miles of blood vessels, trillions of cells with sophisticated molecular machines, eyes, nose, hands, feet, sexual organs, brains, and so much more - all working together in a harmonious manner evolved randomly and was not designed to function as it does? Can you believe the miracle of how a child is created and childbirth could just be the result of random evolution?
4. Even if you consider accepting all of the above was caused by Evolution, where did the first life forms come from? Where did the universe come from? And if you believe in the Big Bang Theory, which can make logical sense, how did that happen and where did that come from? Accurate science is certainly true, but it doesn’t answer everything. Could what we understand about science simply be how God chose – and continues - to create and develop our world?
The above questions at the very least point to the possibility that there is a God who created and designed the world and all its life forms. In fact, it may even make a very compelling case as you continue to contemplate and explore this topic.
This Evolution debate is perhaps the single biggest reason for not believing in God and for Atheism in today’s world. For further detailed debate topics regarding the above issues, we refer you to Ron Rhodes's book “The Ten Things You Should Know About the Creation vs. Evolution Debate” (See ). We also refer you to William Dembski’s book “Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science & Theology” (See ). It is also important to understand there are many more reasons beyond the Evolution debate to consider the possibility that there is a God. We refer you to explore the rest of this website for further information.
All of the above - which is a small sampling of the world order, complexity, and sophistication from the molecular level, to the human body and countless species, to the outer reaches of the interstellar universe - seems to point to an intelligent design by a Creator. Thus could there be a God who wanted us to discover his existence?
When you look at the complexities of a sophisticated watch, do you wonder how it happened to come together to form a complicated timepiece by chance, or does that watch prove the existence of a watchmaker? If you can prove the existence of a watchmaker from one piece of jewelry, what does our universe, our animal and plant life, and our own human bodies point our attention to? Were we designed by God? Should you open your mind to the possibility that God truly exists? Might it take more faith to posit all of these complex systems came into being by random chance, or might it be more reasonable to conclude all of this world was designed by an intelligent Creator?
The following summarizes various philosophical, scientific, and other arguments that support the existence of God. There are two main sections, one is derived from Ron Rhode's book “Why Do Bad Things Happen if God Is Good?” (see ), and the other is Lee Strobel’s new book “Is God Real” ( see ) and a related interview about the book. Both of these sections complement all the other facts and analyses provided on this website.
Ron Rhode's book “Why Do Bad Things Happen if God Is Good?”
1. The Cosmological Argument. This argument says that every effect must have an adequate cause. Since the universe is an "effect" reason demands that whatever caused the universe must be greater than the universe. That cause is God (who Himself is the uncaused First Cause). As Hebrews 3:4 puts it, "Every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything."
2. The Teleological Argument. This argument highlights the obvious purposeful and intricate design of the world. If we found a watch in the sand, we would assume that someone created the watch because the parts obviously didn't just jump together. Similarly, the perfect design of the universe argues for a Designer, and that Designer is God.
3. The Ontological Argument. This argument says that most human beings have an innate idea of a perfect being. Where did this idea come from? Not from man, for man is an imperfect being. Some perfect being (God) must have planted the idea there. God can't be conceived of as not existing, for then, one could conceive of an even greater being that did exist. Thus, God must in fact exist.
4. The Moral Argument. This argument says that every human being has an innate sense of "righteousness" or moral obligation. Where did this come from? It must come from God. The existence of a moral law in our hearts demands the existence of a moral Lawgiver.
5. The Anthropological Argument. This argument says that man has a personality (mind, emotions, and will). Since that which is personal cannot derive from the impersonal, there must be a personal cause- and that personal cause is God.
Of course, some people, even when aware of some of these arguments, still reject belief in God. Perhaps Reformer John Calvin was right when he said that the unregenerate person sees this evidence for God in the universe with blurred vision. It is only when one puts on the "eyeglasses" of faith and belief in the Bible that this evidence for God's existence comes into clear focus and becomes convincing.
If Calvin is right, then Christians do well to offer not only evidence for God's existence but also evidence that demonstrates the reliability of the Bible as well as a broad variety of other facts. Specifically, if we add to the above philosophical arguments the overwhelming historical and archaeological support for the reliability of the Bible, the historical support for Jesus Christ (including the resurrection), the pinpoint accuracy of biblical prophecies, the testimony of innumerable Christians down through the centuries, and all the other facts, logic, and perspectives provided on this website, a very strong and convincing case for the existence of God can be made to any reasonable person that is willing to listen.
Lee Strobel’s new book “Is God Real” and a related interview about the book.
In his new book, Lee Strobel interviews experts and analyzes a variety of amazing facts and arguments that scream out that God Is Real. This includes the cosmos requiring a creator to have happened, the Universe needing a fine tuner to support life as we know it, our DNA demanding a designer, experiences with God, and much, much more.
The following provides an incredible 40-minute interview with Lee Strobel which discusses these topics in detail, outlining all the facts, logic, and information that lead to the conclusion that yes God Is Real. If you are not sure you believe in God, this interview is absolutely worth listening to and considering. You can find the book at
The following provides the audio for the actual interview:
Creation, Nature and The Universe - the probabilities of the scope and scales of the universe and the complexities of its contents (humans in particular), as noted in the above, make random coincidental creation impossible to accept. A correct evaluation of this evidence supports the fact that everything in nature, in fact, proves God exists as Creator. The summation of this is contained in the statement that all these aspects of creation simply could not have come into existence apart from the activity of an all-powerful God.
Humanities Inner Intuition & Sense of God - HistoricalThere and testamentary documentation supports the notion that mankind has demonstrated a desire for, and an awareness of, existence beyond itself.
Sense of Right & Wrong: We all have an inborn sense of right and wrong that must have come from a higher power.
Love: We all have an inborn natural desire for love - with each other, with a higher power, and in so many aspects of our lives.
Philosophical – A variety of philosophical arguments, as provided above in more detail, support that it is not rational to reject the idea of God's existence:
- Cosmological - everything has a creator
- Teleological - all creation has purpose and therefore design
- Ontological - if it is greater to exist than not exist, the greatest existence is God
- Moral - sense of right and wrong demanding ultimate justice
- Anthropological Argument -We have a mind and personality
Personal and Corporate Testimony – there are numerous individual historical confessions of specific and direct encounters with God both within and outside the context of scripture.
YouTube Channel: For further perspective please review the additional informative videos on YouTube channel:
Review and download a summary presentation of all the facts and logic provided above with an open heart and mind to help formulate your beliefs about the possibility God Really Exists. You can also review a version of the presentation with a video/voice-over presentation on the following link:
You can also review the following two great Blogs that explore this critical topic (see our Blog page or the below links):
1. March 1, 2024, Blog “IS GOD REAL? IF HE IS, WHO IS HE? ( See ).
2. January 1, 2024, Blog “Is There A Conclusive Argument For the Existence of God? (See ).
Based on all of these facts and considerations, do you now believe – or are you open to the possibility – that God Really Exists? If so, after reviewing the rest of this web site, we encourage you to also contemplate the Next Steps section of the web site.
The Case For Christ by Lee Strobel (Book & DVD’s):
Cold-Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace:
The 10 Things You Should Know About the Creation vs. Evolution Debate by Ron Rhodes: Should-Creation-Evolution-Debate/dp/0736911529
Answering the Objections of Atheists, Agnostics, and Skeptics by Ron Rhodes:
Reflections on the Existence of God: A Series of Essays: by Richard Simmons III:
Mere Christianity by C S Lewis::
The Case for Christianity in a Secular World: C S Lewis: Articulate Defender of Historic Christianity by John Sims
YouTube Video: 209 Seconds That Will Make You Question Your Entire Existence
The Body Revealed Exhibit
Amazing Molecular Machines in Your Body:
Molecular Machines:
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